Privacy Policy

Updated November 26, 2008

Thank you for visiting the web sites of Piping Technology & Products, Inc. (PT&P) and its wholly owned subsidiaries – U.S. Bellows, Inc., Sweco Fab, Inc., Pipe Shields, Inc., and Fronek Group, Inc.

1.0 Overarching Commitment: PT&P and its wholly owned subsidiaries are committed to protecting the privacy of our users’ personal information. The PT&P Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”), set forth below, provides a detailed description of what information PT&P currently collects, how PT&P protects said information, and means for PT&P users to contact PT&P concerning collection of their personal information and the Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy covers information collected when using any PT&P and its wholly owned subsidiaries’ web sites (“Sites”), including but not limited to,,, and The Privacy Policy will be updated when necessary; so, please check here for future updates or contact PT&P directly for a copy through the means set forth below in Section 7.0.

2.0 Categories of Information

2.1 “Personally Identifiable Information” means any information that identifies or can be used to identify or contact the user to whom such information pertains. This includes information that is not Personally Identifiable Information but is used in a way that makes the information personally identifiable. Such uses include linking the information with Personally Identifiable Information from other sources, including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card information. To the extent unique information (which by itself is not Personally Identifiable Information) such as a personal profile, a unique identifier, or an IP address is associated with Personally Identifiable Information, then such unique information will also be considered Personally Identifiable Information. Personally Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected anonymously (i.e., without identification of the individual user), or demographic information not connected to an identified individual.

2.2 “Non-Personally Identifiable Information” means any information PT&P collects that cannot be directly linked to an individual user.

3.0 Information Gathered

3.1 When a user visits our Site(s), certain Non-Personally Identifiable Information is recorded. PT&P automatically documents what pages the user visits and for how long, from where the user linked, the user’s IP address, and other technical statistics, none of which is used to personally identify the user. PT&P collects the data to learn from where Site visitors come, what Site features users use most, and other similar development- and maintenance-related information so that PT&P can improve service for our users.

3.2 When a user requests information or download tools from the Site(s), certain Personally Identifiable Information is recorded, including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card information. Certain Non-Personally Identifiable Information is also recorded, including, but not limited to IP address, items ordered, and the referring URL.

4.0 Information Disclosure

4.1 General: Any Personally Identifiable Information PT&P gathers about users is kept securely for internal PT&P use only, except for the specific, temporary uses set forth in Section 4.2 below. PT&P may share aggregated or Non-Personally Identifiable Information with business partners, advertisers, contractors, vendors, or other third parties. Should PT&P wish to release Personally Identifiable Information to third parties other than when described in this Privacy Policy, PT&P will request the individual user’s permission first.

4.2 Contractors and Vendors: PT&P uses contractors to perform certain aspects of operations, including but not limited to technical support. Some of these contractors will have temporary access to PT&P databases of Personally Identifiable Information for specific tasks. PT&P also uses vendors to perform certain aspects of operations, including but not limited to the printing and mailing of feature or service materials, etc.. Some of these vendors will have temporary access to PT&P databases of Personally Identifiable Information for specific tasks. Such contractors and vendors are legally liable for misuse of Personally Identifiable Information. Additionally, PT&P requires any vendor or contractor to comply with this Privacy Policy and our security measures.

4.3 Required by Law: PT&P reserves the right to release any information gathered about users, if refusing to do so would place PT&P in violation of laws that apply to PT&P – local, state, federal, and international – including responses to subpoenas. PT&P also reserves the right to keep confidential information within our records if releasing that information could place PT&P in violation of applicable laws.

5.0 Information Security

5.1 Security Employed: PT&P is committed to keeping all information gathered about users secure against loss, misuse, or alteration by using industry-standard security practices, including restricted access to the data, physically securing the servers storing the data and through regular backups of the database.  PT&P hosts the Sites externally using a reputable hosting company.

5.2 Security Disclaimer: PT&P cannot guarantee the security of the information gathered about users. Even with the high level of security employed by PT&P, third parties may still circumvent PT&P security measures to unlawfully access stored Personally Identifiable Information. Any such breaches will be communicated to the affected users as soon as possible after the breach.

6.0 E-mail Policy: PT&P is committed to not adding to our users’ Spam woes.  PT&P will never send users’ e-mail without said user’s consent.  Requesting information through PT&P and its wholly owned subsidiaries’ Sites, sending e-mail to PT&P, or contacting PT&P via the e-mails listed in Section 7.0 implies that the user consents to being contacted by PT&P via e-mail. Should a PT&P user not wish to receive e-mail from PT&P, user may contact PT&P via the methods in Section 7.0 to request removal from PT&P mailing lists.

7.0 Contacting PT&P: Any questions regarding the Privacy Policy, requests for removal from PT&P mailing lists, or updates to your information may be addressed directly to PT&P via one of the below methods:

In person or via mail:

Piping Technology & Products, Inc.
ATTN: Marketing Department
3701 Homles Rd
Houston, TX 77051

Via phone: 713.731.0030
Via fax: 713.731.8640

8.0 Miscellaneous

8.1 Amendments to this Privacy Policy: In the event that PT&P decides to substantially and materially change the manner in which PT&P treats the information gathered on our users, including but not limited to a change in the way that PT&P gathers, uses, or discloses Personally Identifiable Information, PT&P will post such changes on the Site; User’s can change their privacy preferences by following the guidelines in Section 7.0. PT&P may include or offer new features in PT&P products in the future. To the extent that any new features may require amendments to this Privacy Policy to describe the treatment of information gathered on our users, those amendments are effective upon notice to the user of the change.

8.2 Entire Agreement: This Privacy Policy supplements and is incorporated into all PT&P End-User Agreements. This Privacy Policy constitutes the entire agreement, and replaces and supersedes all prior agreements, between the user and PT&P concerning the subject matter discussed in this Privacy Policy.



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