Piping Technology & Products, Inc. custom designed and manufactured four PTP-100 Type G constants and three PTP-100 Type C constants for a power station in Missouri. The PTP-100 Type C constants are designed for operating loads of 8,300 lbs. to 25,200 lbs. and have a travel range of 2.5 to 3.5. These constants are fabricated from A36 carbon steel with dimensions ranging from 66×18 to 88×20.
The PTP-100 Type G constants are designed for operating loads ranging from 2,800 lbs. to 38,800 lb. and a travel range of 2.5 to 3.5. They are fabricated out of A36 carbon steel with dimensions ranging from 75×26.5 to 95×50. Standard load and adjustment testing was performed to ensure quality prior to shipping.
Do you require constant spring supports in your piping system? Get pricing now!