Webinar Giveaway: PT&P Nalgene Water Bottle

August 22, 2011

If you would like a chance to win, simply attend one of our Webinars. If you want more chances to win or even win more than once, attend as many Webinars as we offer.

Register for the next Webinar

  • Ptp Water BottleDuring the live presentation, attendees will be selected at random to receive a free PT&P Nalgene Water Bottle.
  • Open to U.S. and Canada Shipping only. Must be present the entire length of the Webinar to be eligible.
  • To receive the prize, you must be able to provide a valid mailing address within 24 hours after your name is announced.
  • Webinars are approved for 1 PDH credit hour for Texas Professional Engineers. After attending the live Webinar, email your request to enews@devptp.fronekgrp.com.